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Is Cambridge Capital a lender?
No, Cambridge Capital provides innovative and flexible funding options that may not be available through traditional lenders such as major banks. We specialise in outside-the-box lending, offering solutions that meet the unique needs of each project.
What’s the general loan term?
Typically, the minimal term is 3 months up to 24 months depending on the solution we are solving for.
The security used for loan
Lenders can use a residential home, apartment, commercial or specialised assets eg Service station or privately owned hospital.
What are the different type of finance Cambridge Capital offers?
Debt: Registered 1st or 2nd mortgages are registered on title deed and secured by a mortgage document agreement between borrower and lender.

Equity Finance: Either through a lender or investor funds are provided to a property developer to assist with project cost. This type of finance carries higher level of risk as the return on equity solely relies on the capability of the property developer and current market sentiment. An agreement between the parties in the form of a shareholders agreement or Joint Venture agreement with specifying the returns paid to the lender or investor.

Preferred Equity Finance: Is subordinate to all debt, but superior to all common equity. It’s also considered to hold roughly the third position in a commercial real estate capital stack.

Usually in the form of a written agreement that outlines the terms of the investment and return from 20% -30% as a general rule depending on the risk profile of borrower and development. All returns are paid out at end of project.

How can I apply for funding from Cambridge Capital?
To apply for funding simply contact us through our website or by phone, our team will guide you through the application process and discuss the most suitable funding solutions for your up coming project.
What types of funding does Cambridge Capital offer?
Cambridge Capital offers a range of loan services nationwide specialising in private funding solutions for property developers, this includes first and second mortgage loans, construction, mezzanine, and residual stock financing. We also provide equity and joint venture solutions through our partners and family offices.
Who can benefit from Cambridge Capital's funding services?
Any property developer whether starting or expanding in need of reliable private funding can benefit from Cambridge Capital’s services, we cater specifically to property developers providing tailored financial support to fuel development endeavours.
Is Cambridge Capital a reliable source of funding?
Yes, Cambridge Capital is a trusted source for private funding solutions in Australia,we have a vetted process with our private funders with a track record in the industry
Private Lending Solutions Beyond Banks
Explore the customized funding options outside traditional banking, offering flexibility and convenience for your ideal living or business situation.